Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

I wish you a Merry Christmas - I hope your holiday is filled with the joy that comes from remembering the true meaning of Christmas and the blessings of love, joy, hope and peace.  

Monday, December 11, 2017

2017 Christmas Tree

Usually, I'm thinking a year ahead about my next year's Christmas tree and overall Christmas theme, but this year I was 100% focused on buying my first house.  I bought my house in August and painted the kitchen cabinets and slowly got a few things on the walls.  I bought new living room furniture and a dining table and created a craft room from the ground up.  And unpacked. And mowed the lawn. And planted flowers in the window boxes.

All that to say, this year was unusual and by November, I did not have a plan for my Christmas decor.  I planned to use things I already had, but I didn't have a vision.

Then I came across this ribbon from Hearth and Hand by Magnolia at Target and it became the centerpiece of my vision along with the song/sentiment "There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays" - to celebrate my first year in my new home.

I pulled from last year when my theme was O Holy Night and the tree was decorated in stars and the year I had a red/chalkboard theme. 

 My first purchase for this year's Christmas decor was this galvanized steel tub from Ace Hardware.
Then I bought my beautiful Fraser Fir tree from Lowe's and once again had a great customer service experience there.  And even with no lights or adornment I love it in the tub in my living room.

Another benefit when you get your tree from Lowe's is that they usually have a bin of branches they've cut for customers and they let me take as many branches from that bin as I wanted.  I used those extra branches all over my house in buckets and on my dining room chandelier - which has been one of my favorite things this year.

Then, although I had a BUNCH of strands of clear lights, a lot of them didn't work, so I got my tree partially lighted and had to buy more.

Next I added strands of beads and my beautiful white and black plaid ribbon.

Then I used my homemade chalkboard ornaments from a previous year, but I modified them to fit this year.

Then I filled in with a few new ornaments from Target, some stars from prior years and some black shiny globe ornaments from Michael's.

I posted this bell ornament pic on Instagram and the next morning I woke up to a message from Target asking if they could use my photo - that was pretty exciting!  They used it on their #TargetStyle section of their website!!

I'm so happy with it!

And every night when I turn off all the lights - the magical glow of the tree makes me so happy!  (And makes me want to take more pictures!)

Monday, December 4, 2017

101 Stocking Stuffer Ideas

For Anyone
1. Kleenex Go Packs

2. Hand sanitizer
3. Post it notes
4. Tide-To-Go Pens
5. Tickets to an upcoming event
6. Socks

7. An ornament
8. Pens
9. Markers
10. Colored Pencils

11. Nuts
12. Restaurant Gift Cards
13. Nail clippers
15. Bar Soap

16. Ear buds
17. Hair products
18. Batteries
19. Mini flashlight
20. Chapstick

21. Eyeglass kit
22. Fun Band Aids
23. Contact case
24. Screen wipes
25. Magazine subscription

26. Gloves
27. Candy canes
28. Scissors
29. Glue
30. Mini stapler/staples

31. Bubble bath
32. Paint/paintbrushes
33. Fun Dip
34. Ring Pops

35. Candy Bars
36. Gum
37. Amazon Echo Dot 

38. Quarters
39. Chocolate Gold Coins
40. Magnets

41. Sunglasses
42. Scarves
43. Ice Scraper
44. Deck of Cards
45. Uno (small game)

46. Christmas novelties
47. Car air freshener
48. Movie Theater gift certificates
49. Selfie stick

50. Fruit snacks
51. Perfume or cologne
52. Amazon prime membership

53. Tic Tacs (Mints)
54. Hats
55. App Store Gift Cards
56. Screwdriver
57. Drill bits

58. Grilling Seasoning
59. Shot glasses
60. Keychains

For Kids
61. Crayons
62. Playdough

63. Temporary tattoos
64. Stickers
65. Blind bags
66. Finger puppets

67. Stuffed animal
68. Bath crayons

69. Glow sticks
70. Cars
71. Bouncy balls
72. Bubbles
73. Finger cymbals

74. Maracas
75. Slime
76. Straws
77. Perler Bead kit

78. Hatchimals
79. Color Bath Drops

For Women
80. Earrings
81. Thank you Notes

82. Nail Polish
83. Nail files
84. Small makeup bag/pencil case

85. Hair bands
86. Mini candles
87. Cake decorating tips/bags 

88. Lipstick
89. Eye Shadow
90. Fingernail file
91. Sewing kit

92. Extracts
93. Lotion
94. Tweezers
95. Measuring spoons

96. Dish towels
97. Seed Packets
98. Rings
99. Sprinkles
100. Cosmetic Applicator Sponges

101. Kitchen Utensils