Monday, March 23, 2020

Peeps Diorama Contest

I had so much fun creating this Peeps Diorama for an office contest.  The theme was Peeps on Vacation.  I considered an amusement park but I already had these trees from a previous project, so I went in a a camping direction.  One tip I learned from online is to open the peeps and separate them and then leave them to dry out.  That way they're not sticky and sugary when you're trying to work with them.
Step 1 - I painted the night sky backdrop.  I used several different colors of blue and black and white.

Step 2 - I added stars to the sky using white paint on a toothbrush.  then I added green paint, leaving a "dirt" area in the middle for the campsite.

Step 3 - I built my campfire.  I used a battery operated tea light from dollar tree.  I glued it on a felt circle.  On top of the circle, I added rocks stacked on top of each other and glued them down.  Then I added tiny sticks and in the center, I put a small piece of red and orange tissue paper.

Step 4 - I made a tent.  I built the structure out of dowel rods, cut and hot glued into the basic shape.  Then without any real pattern, I cut and sewed pieces of green nylon into a tent shape complete with a zipper.

Then I added the trees (that I already had made) and it was really coming together!

I sewed a sleeping bag, using two pieces of felt.

Then I went shopping for something miniature to add to add to the diorama.  I wanted a telescope or a grill. I didn't find those, so I ended up making a telescope with black modeling clay. 

The only thing I found that really worked with my theme was tiny coke cans, so I came up with the idea of making a cooler.  It's probably the thing I'm most proud of!  I had orange washi tape and white modeling clay to use, but I needed a really small container to start with.  I had some of those fun size boxes of Junior Mints, and that ended up being the perfect size.

My next dilemma was how to make ice.  I couldn't figure it out, so I googled it and found the perfect solution.  Hot glue sticks - chopped up into tiny ice cubes - genius! #thankyouinternet

The final touch I had in mind was adding a "Peeps" constellation - I think you can see it in the picture.  I was super proud of the idea, although I don't think anyone but me could ever see it!

I had so much fun making this and I'm happy to say that I also won the contest!