Monday, June 27, 2022

4th of July Charcuterie

 Fourth of July is a week away and you have just enough time to plan the perfect snack - a red, white and blue charcuterie board!  I saw several ideas on Pinterest and made my first charcuterie Board and I just loved how it turned out!  I wanted every food on the board to be red, white or blue.  I wanted everything to be something we liked.

Here are the things I ended up with:
red grapes
club crackers
a mix of peanut and peanut butter M&Ms in red, white and blue
slices of pepper jack cheese, cut into star shapes with cookie cutters
red vines
gouda cheese 
(I wanted cheese that looked more white than yellow and did some research and found it's mild and tastes similar to cheddar, so I thought it was a perfect option)
blue corn tortilla chips
red pepper, sliced into sticks
cream cheese with red pepper jelly on top
4th of July Lofthouse cookies

A few other food ideas that I had, but let go were cherry tomatoes, dried cranberries, marshmallows, star shaped cookies (the kind with red or blue sprinkles on top), white powdered donuts, ranch dip, apple slices (or apples cut into stars).

I just had a medium sized cutting board to work with, I kind of wished I had a bigger one.  I think these look like really nice options: 

But once I had everything on my work surface next to me, I just started adding things to the board - it was easy to put it together.

Patriotic plates and napkins from Dollar Tree!

Everyone really enjoyed it!