Like most fans, I wasn't fully satisfied with the finale and decided to write my own alternate ending.
Tyrion looks for Jamie and finds Jamie and Cersei, under the pile of rubble, unconscious but alive. Both are revived and brought before Queen Daenerys. Dany tells the crowd they’re her two greatest enemies - Jamie killed her father and Cersei her best friend. She says, "If I were to show mercy and spare one of the Lannister twins- which should it be? She asks Jamie and Cersei. Jamie immediately says spare Cersei. Cersei gets mean and says, "kill my pathetic brother who isn’t a whole person, and while you’re at it, kill my brother Tyrion as well." Dany gets angry and has Dracarys burn Cersei. Tyrion steps in front of Jamie and begs his life be spared. Dany gets angry and has them both taken to a cell.
Jon confronts Dany about murdering the innocents in the city and asks her to pardon Tyrion. She flys into a rage and sentences him to death. She sends word that all the houses should come to Kings Landing to witness the executions and bend the knee. Everyone comes, hoping to find a way to save Jon and Tyrion. Dany asks if they have any final words. Jamie says simply, "I'm sorry." [We see by his gaze it's directed to Brienne, rather than Dany.] For his final words, Tyrion reminds Dany that her enemies are conquered and urges peace and mercy going forward. Jon asks that she spare Tyrion’s life and keep him as her advisor. She says because she loved Jon, she’ll grant his request. Tyrion is freed. It’s time to kill Jon and we see the faces of all who love and respect him. This crowd is interspersed with flashbacks of Sansa and Arya seeing their father executed. But neither are powerless any more. Sansa has brought a team of north men that are repelling over the walls ready to attack Dany and rescue Jon. Arya is in hiding and gets to Dany before the north men, but a moment too late- Dany says, "Dracarys" and then Arya slits her throat. Jon is burned. We see fire...then Jon walks out of the fire just like Dany did. Rumors start flying in the crowd- this is the second time he’s come back from the dead, only a Targaryen could survive that fire. Jon’s true name is whispered. And then Dracarys bows his head in submission to Jon. And starting with Tyrion, Northerners, all the Westerosi, Dothraki and finally the Unsullied bend the knee to Jon (Ageon Targaryen).
At a celebratory feast, Jon dismantles the monarchy and says each territory is free to govern itself and pledge to be part of a union of independent territories at peace, with his job to visit each territory once a year to ensure fair rule and peace continue. Flashes of how this affects people. The North (home to Winterfell) elects Sansa their ruler, the Vale (home to The Eyrie) elects Robyn Arryn, which makes some nervous, the Stormlands elect Brienne and Jamie is at her side, the Reach elects Samwell Tarly, the Westerlands elect Tyrion, the Iron Islands elect Yara, and Dorne, elects Bronn, who likes the idea of living someplace warm and being the leader of a province.
In the end we see Jon flying Dracarys and meeting with each of these rulers, traveling with him everywhere is Arya, his chosen protector.