I think every little boy goes through a pirate and treasure phase! This is a super simple way to join in the fun and create a happy memory!
Step 1: Create a treasure map - for tips check out this blog post!
Step 2: Create a treasure chest! You can find one of these at most any craft store or you can get on Amazon:
Step 3: Paint the box. They key to making it look old is different shades of paint. Paint it brown. Then while it's still wet, add gray on top. Then add some black streaks. Then add brown streaks.
Step 4: Fill the box! Not so much anymore, but Michaels used to have a colorful rock station for kids. If you don't find them in a store, you can find similar ones here. Other super fun fillers are pyrite and chocolate gold coins!
Step 5: Have one adult stay with the kids and one adult go to the location to hide the treasure and the map! (Inside a bottle is always fun.)

Step 6: Once you're all at the location - make sure the kids find the map - then tell them a story about how you've always heard there was buried treasure around there. Maybe this map leads to it!